[June 29-30] Holistic Changemakers Needed in the age of VUCA: Taiwan National Development Council, ZA Share, and other civic partners jointly launch an international education summit to bridge social change agendas with the holistic wellness of “changemakers” in mind

June 29-30, 2021, TAIPEI — On behalf of the Taiwan National Development Council, ZA Share is hosting the 2021 Taiwan International Education Summit (TIES) completely online from June 29 to 30. The theme of TIES this year is The INNER and INTER-changes of Creative Changemakers, with the aim to move beyond the narrow focus of the technical or financial needs of changemakers seeking the common good, to bring public and key stakeholders’ attention to the holistic needs for their nourishment and growth as “whole persons.”

Curated in the spirit of human ecology, 2021 TIES will be split into four tracks to cover the Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Social, and Ecological Dimensions of a “Changemaker’s Journey” as a whole person, to foster interdisciplinary learning and the systemic awareness of the world’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) nature, as amplified by the outspread of COVID-19.

In each of the four tracks, there will be an invited expert from both the Eastern and Western countries, and a selected Open Mic Representative selected from a pool of self-nominated speakers to bring an “Intercultural Mash-up” of perspectives. The line of 12 speakers range from world-renowned Sir Geoff Mulgan, systems and collective intelligence scientist, former head of policy in the UK Prime Minister’s office, and co-founder of Social Innovation Exchange (SIX), to a group of self-nominated 7th-graders from Taoyuan Chungli Junior High School who’ve dedicated themselves to addressing the challenges arose with new immigrants in their school and communities.

The format of TIES creates a fully immersive digital bilingual learning experience, which integrates active and thematic learning from the pre-event Open Mic Speaker self-nomination challenge to the highly interactive online TIES itself, to openly demonstrate the holistic spirit of Taiwan’s National 12-Year Basic Education in a bilingual, digital, and public context. The integral design of TIES also manifests the National Development Council’s determination to bridge its bilingual nation, education innovation, digital transformation, and regional revitalization agendas.

2021 TIES is completely free to attend. The TIES Opening Ceremony/Press Conference will be held online at 14:30, June 29, 2021 (Taipei Time, UTC+8).

For more information, please visit: https://forms.gle/FdkEVXtMZkzRFA4r9 (Registration Form in English)

#sustainability, #sustainableworld, #systemchange, #systems-approach, #systemsleaders, #systemsleadership, #systemsthinking

C. West Churchman with Kristo Ivanov | 1987 | archive.org

Video is viewable through an online viewer, and downloadable in multiple formats (h264 MP4, MPEG2 VOB, OGG Video) on the Internet Archive at https://archive.org/details/Index_20180206_1053 .  This recording was producted by the department of Informatics of Umeå University in the spring of year 1987, with C. West Churchman interviewed by Kristo Ivanov.

Kristo Ivanov, in interview with C. West Churchman (1987)

The opening title reads:


Universicy [sic] of California, Berkeley

Interviewed by professor
Kristo Ivanov
on April 30, 1987,
at the University of Umeå ,
Sweden – department of
Administrative Data processing.

The second and third slide read …

This interview was made during a visit of professor Churchman as guest lecturer at the University of Umeå , following his being rewarded a honorary doctor’s degree in economic science in the autumn 1985.

A summary of professor Churchman’s life and work is given at the end of the recording.

The background song “Der Lindenbaum” – music by Franz Schubert and text by Wilhelm Müller – is sung by professor Churchman himself!


#systems-approach, #systems-thinking, #west-churchman