Strip Mall – The Strong Towns Podcast – What a new strip mall reveals about the massive disconnect between what’s “good” for the macro-economy and what’s actually good for a local community.

An excellent example of an excellent podcast and movement – essential listening. Also, I ike that the Strong Towns and the Meta people and everyone else is now planting gardens. I can imagine, in twenty or fifty years, the permaculture people smiling gently and sayig ‘welcome. What took you so long?’

Strip Mall

The Strong Towns Podcast

We advocate for a model of development that allows our cities, towns and neighborhoods to grow financially strong and resilient.

Strip Mall

June 1, 2020

What a new strip mall reveals about the massive disconnect between what’s “good” for the macro-economy and what’s actually good for a local community.

Reminder: The subscription bundle for the Strong Towns Academy is only available through Friday, June 5, 2020. This is your chance to get all nine courses at 83% off the a la carte price. These courses unpack the Strong Towns approach to everything from transportation and housing, to economic development and public engagement, and more. Get more information here:


Strip Mall