What does it take to change a system? Renaisi launch systems change approach

[I was lucky enough to go to the launch of this, a nice event – I might write more about it. It cemented in my mind that ‘local systems change’ or ‘place-based systems change’ as they describe it is very specific – funder-and-charity focus, using entirely middle-of-the road, bourgeois approaches, squarely within the Overton window, and based on assumptions that everyone just needs a lot of exposure to niceness and rationality and things will change for the better. Obviously that’s something like damning with faint praise, but I know this kind of approach can be valuable and impactful when yout experience it. I do think there’s a lot of value in ‘start with self, and with understanding’. But I don’t think this is going to change any ‘systems’]

What does it take to change a system?

What does it take to change a system? – Renaisi