Sustainable, Smart and Systemic Design Post-Anthropocene: Through a Transdisciplinary Lens, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics The Special Issue – Volume 20 – Number 7 – Year 2022

The Special Issue – Volume 20 – Number 7 – Year 2022

The Special Issue announced in the past years is published and public! The project was carried out by our CSRP Editorial Team: Marie Davidová, Susu Nousala and Thomas J. Marlowe. The contributing Authors are David Ing, Yannis Zavoleas, Xiao (Bella) Hu, Magda Sibley and Ana Zimbarg. The process was warmly supported by Dr Nagib Callaos and Jelena Sucic.

Follows the abstract of the editorial introduction and the full document with the links to the papers.

Abstract: Sustainability as related to the environment is now just over 50 years old. In that time, especially in regard to human artifacts such as architecture, it has largely focused on human priorities, and how they need to be modified to address or rectify environmental and ecological challenges. A new, post-anthropocene view suggests that it is also important to consider the environment as more than a backdrop whose state and appearance must be maintained, but rather as an actor in its own right, with its own interests, including the interests of the living non-human actors in the local ecology. This special issue seeks to explore this wider notion, and the editors view our introduction as an opportunity to present the journal theme, to introduce the authors and place its papers in context, and to welcome researchers and practitioners to explore this topic further.