Stepping Into Systems – open learning sessions (paid) from the School of Systems Change

Join our Open Learning sessions to start your systems change journey as we dive into our new video series!


What is Stepping into Systems?

Stepping into Systems is our new introductory series to systems change, covering fundamental topics and concepts: What is Systems Change?The Importance of Systemic Worldviews; and Working Systemically for Transformation. This series has been informed by practitioners from diverse lineages from around the globe to honour the multiplicity of systems practice, and has been created in partnership with Glider.

Our intention is to lay fertile ground for you to navigate the diverse field of systems change and increase your capacity to see the world with a systemic perspective.

This series is for you if you have been curious about systems change and don’t know where to start; if you are seeking a point of view that embraces rather than minimises complexity; and if you want to explore the ‘how’ of systems change rather than the ‘what’. 

What are the Open Learning sessions?

We invite you to explore each video with us through three online sessions – one for each film. We’re hosting these alongside practitioners in the field to create space to learn in community, as well as hear from those with a deep systems practice. In hopes we can welcome many people from around the world, embedded in many different ways of knowing, we’re hosting across two timezones: Americas/Europe and Australia/New Zealand.

In each session, we’ll begin by watching the film and then head into a discussion on the concepts and themes that emerge. We’ll get to hear from practitioners in the field and leave space for a Q&A. We will also help you get started on the session’s accompanying worksheet and share resources to support you to apply the learnings to your own work.


Stepping Into Systems – School of System Change