Complexity and Management Conference 7-9th June 2024, More than a hint: Roffey Park Institute, Horsham UK

Complexity and Management Conference 7-9th June 2024

Chris Moyles writes:

Finding ourselves in our work

In the last few weeks, three people I have been corresponding with have suggested that we might ‘jump on a call’. When I asked one of them what he thought it signified, he replied that he spent so much time at work jumping from one thing to the next that the expression denoted a state of mind, a way of summing up what work feels like.

When I work with groups of managers they tell me similar things, that they are obliged to rush around ‘delivering’ things without a moment’s thought. They are caught up in the game of every day organisational life, consumed by obligations to the plan, the target or the performance indicator. While it’s great to be busy, being so overwhelmed with ‘feeding the beast’ may lead to feelings of alienation and meaninglessness. Contemporary management offers any number of tools, techniques and recipes which deal in abstractions, where people and what they are saying and doing can disappear from view. If we wanted better to find ourselves in our work with colleagues, we wouldn’t necessarily start there.

The annual Complexity and Management Conference is intended as an antidote to the sense of drift and thoughtlessness which can afflict managers in organisations because of the sheer complexity and pace of work, and the abstractions of contemporary management discourse. The currency of the conference is conversation, reflection and meaning-making about things that matter to us in and beyond the workplace.

Beginning with an inaugural dinner in the evening of Friday 7th of June, the formal conference will start on Saturday morning with a thought-provoking key note to encourage the movement of thinking. Thereafter it is reflection and reflexivity continuously till lunchtime Sunday on topics brought by the conference participants themselves.

The conference promises good food, stimulating conversation, and a chance to rediscover oneself in one’s work.

Booking for the conference will begin in the New Year 2024. This is a reminder to put the dates in your diaries, and to prepare something to bring about your workplace dilemmas.

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