Three (!) new books from Otto Laske

Vol 1

Vol 2

Vol 3

Message from Otto:

A New Concept of Advanced Systems Thinking


  • Focused on the mental processes of the systems thinker, the books introduce a paradigm
    shift in advanced systems thinking: rather than fixating attention on systems

hypostatized by the thinker on purely logical grounds, the books lay bare the thought-
form structure of the thinker’s real-time movements-in-thought that led him to

hypostatize the system in question, thus making visible the ‘absences’ in the thinker’s
thought that need to be repaired.

  • By centering on the systems thinker’s own mental process and its cognitive-
    developmental structure, the books outline an assessment methodology for judging the

quality of individual system thinkers’ process in terms of the complexity and maturity of
their thinking.

  • Thereby, they deliver the foundation for empirical studies in systems thinking as a part of
    studies in adult cognitive development; the books also lay the foundation for teaching
    advanced systems thinking in a self-reflective manner, not primarily for “solving
    problems” (which are always a function of the thinker’s thought maturity), but for
    measuring and boosting the thought complexity a thinker is presently capable of.
  • The books thus amount to an epistemology of advanced systems thinking that highlights
    the latter’s limitations when it is conducted in purely logical terms, simultaneously
    showing that logical thinking, (in Western cultures) mature at 25 years of age, naturally
    evolves into dialectical thinking over the lifespan.
  • The books are based on Laske’s Dialectical Thought Form Framework (DTF, put in place in
    2000), which is continued to be taught in international cohorts at the
    Interdevelopmental Institute (
    Three New Books on Advanced Systems Thinking
    by Otto Laske, known as Inventor of New Thinking
    Tools, have appeared at Springer

Volume 1: Approaching Real-World Complexity with Dialectical Thinking (ISBN 978-3-031-40331-6)
Volume 2: How to Measure and Boost Thought Maturity (ISBN 978-30031-40984-4)
Volume 3: Manual of Dialectical Thought Forms (ISBN 978-3-031-40338-5)

  • The books spell out and interpret validated empirical outcomes of adult-developmental
    research in cognitive development over the life span, — a discipline now 25 years old but
    curiously kept out of the systems thinking mainstream which therefore lacks a reflexive
  • The books articulate the pedagogical foundations of 20 years of undergraduate and
    graduate instruction in advanced systems thinking at the Interdevelopmental Institute
    (IDM;, delivered in international cohorts in English,
    French, German, and Spanish.
  • From a historical perspective, the books fuse insights of the Frankfurt School and the
    Harvard Kohlberg School as well as integrate cutting-edge insights deriving from R.
    Bhaskar’s and M. Archer’s Dialectical Critical Realism.
    Having proven their worth in practice, they are ready to be used for teaching and examinations
    at colleges, universities, think tanks, and in programs of executive and team development.
    I would be happy to mentor your staff in the novel subject of the three books.
    Otto Laske, Founder and Director, Interdevelopmental Institute (IDM)

For more detailed information on the contents of the books, go to