Launching the Healthy System Indicators: A new way of relational working across local and national systems

Posted by:alexfleming and vanessalefton, Posted on:30 January 2024 –

How do we know if we are healthy? What do we look out for? We have a regular temperature, we know our energy levels, our body doesn’t ache. These are indicators of good health.  

Much like the body, we can understand the environment within which a policy or services is being delivered as a system and we can assess how well that system is functioning.

In our recent project with the Changing Futures team in Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), we created and tested Healthy System Indicators. We learnt that the Indicators can help policymakers and stakeholders assess a policy/ delivery system together, and diagnose where interventions can be made to ensure the system can improve, ultimately resulting in better outcomes for citizens. 

Launching the Healthy System Indicators: A new way of relational working across local and national systems – Policy Lab