i2S News – Integration and Implementation Sciences, Australian National University

In the LinkedIn Systems Thinking Network group https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2639211/
Gabriele Bammer shares this:

Just out! Oct-Dec 2023 i2S News at https://lnkd.in/gb3bzKTb.

Two key features are: 1) a great video by Gerald Midgley on a #systems theory of #marginalisation with 6 strategies for challenging marginalisation, including amplifying marginalized voices and creating empathic connections, as well as undermining negative stereotypes and 2) ten i2Insights contributions from sub-Saharan Africa covering #decisionmaking, #decolonisation, institutionalisation, #leadership, #researchimplementation, #stakeholderengagement & #teamwork. Countries represented are Benin, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal & South Africa. #I2Sresources

Click to access 2023-10_i2S-news.pdf